Zaslal: st 01. července 2009 12:02 Předmět: Kniha o houbách Srbska a Balkánu
Gljive Srbije i zapadnog Balkana (Houby Srbska západního Balkánu)
Informace o knize viz níže:
Knihu si budu objednávat a její cena
včetně poštovného je cca 120 EUR. Pokud by měl někdo o knihu zájem budu ji objednávat přímo u autora, pak by bylo poštovníé levnější. Prosím dejte mi vědět do 14 dnů. Kniha je v srbštině a je koncipovaná pdoobně jako Pilze der Schweiz.
Více info:
Kniha je formátu A4, má 464 stran a je v ní celkem 1265 bar. fotografií. During last 6 years Branislav with his team from the Association worked on the project Fungi of Serbia and Western Balkans. The project was self funded and it delivered the book.
All major macromycetes found in Serbia and the Western Balkans are represented in the book. There are over 1500 species, varieties and forms described in the book, out of which over 1200 are illustrated with a photograph.
The definition and classification of the Fungi kingdom is based on the latest findings from the Tree of Life and Fungal Tree of Life.
In the book over 20 species of hypogeous fungi are represented. Many rare species are in the book with their photographs and description, e.g. Agaricus decoratus, Amanita velosa, Rickenella mellea. Several species discovered in the last few years are represented, e.g. Xerocomus bubalinus, Xerocomus persicolor.
Many species within these genera
- 27 species in genus Boletus s.s (vrganji),
- 36 species in genus Agaricus (šampinjoni),
- 81 species in genus Russula (zekice) ...
The description of each species comes with following basic information:
* morphology (basic facts about the dimensions, shape, colour and consistency of the fruiting body),
* microscopy (shape and dimensions of spores, the colour of spores en masse, cystids etc.),
* context (the colour of flesh and its change of colour, smell and taste),
* chemical reactions (if important for identification),
* edibility (edible, not edible, poisonous, deadly poisonous) and
* habitat, similar species, frequency etc.
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