Michal Mikšík
Založen: 23. 03. 2006 Příspěvky: 810
Zaslal: po 19. července 2010 8:06 Předmět: Kniha pro milovníky Myxomycetů |
Upozorňuji všechny, kdož se o Myxomycety zajímají, že na konci tohoto roku vyjde veliká monografie, v níž bude popsáno celkem 530 druhů., vyobrazených na 550 krásných fotografiích. Kniha bude z větší části francouzská, z části anglická.
Více o knize:
The books have compiled information on 853 taxa of myxomycetes (530 of them are illustrated in colour) in two complementary but inseparable volumes. The first volume deals with the biology and ecology of these organisms and the authors present keys of the species included, and add brief descriptions of each. These descriptions include macroscopic and microscopic characters, and in each case there is reference to the page of the second volume where the species is illustrated. The keys and descriptions are written in two languages, French and English, to increase
the potential readership. Species from all five orders presently recognised in the Class Myxomycetes are included (Liceales, Echinosteliales, Trichiales, Physarales and Stemonitales), and the nomenclature employed throughout follows the latest version of Nomenmyx (www.nomen.eumycetozoa.com). A glossary of descriptive terms and an index of taxa, as well as bibliographic references, complete this volume. Anew genus Meriderma, mentioned in previous papers by these authors, but not formally described, is proposed in this volume following the requisites of the ICBN (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature), and receives special emphasis in an annex where the spores of its species are illustrated. The second volume is edited on special photographic paper and includes all the illustrations. Each species is dealt with in the form of an index card with the scientific name of the taxon, one or more macro-photographs in colour illustrating the habit of the species. Structurally significant details of the sporotheca, the capillitium or the peridium are sometimes photographed also, and line drawings of relevant microscopic characters, such as the spore type and ornamentation, or the capillitium, are included. The plate captions give the origin and details of material
illustrated. Each photograph or figure is accompanied by the magnification used rather than a scale bar. There is extensive coverage of the nivicolous species, a group of myxomycetes of which the authors are well-known specialists. There are some important novelties among the illustrations, such as pictures of little known species like Arcyria margino-undulata Nann.-Bremek. & Y. Yamam., Comatricha rutilipedata H. Marx, Kelleromyxa fimicola (Dearn. & Bisby) Eliasson or Physarum loratum Shuang L. Chen
Kniha bude stát 120 EURO
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